Re: mozilla with xft + galeon?

By "dependent on mozilla" do you mean that the patched mozilla will be downloaded/compiled/installed by garnome or that the patched mozilla and sources will already need to be installed somewhere for the galeon2 build to succeed?
From: Matt Blaha <thecombatwombat worldwidewombat com>
To: Steve Salazar <eagsalazar hotmail com>
CC: garnome-list gnome org
Subject: Re: mozilla with xft + galeon?
Date: 04 Nov 2002 10:47:50 -0500

Read a thread from a little bit back in the archives, yes galeon will be
in,as it's own garball dependant on mozilla.I even posted some or my
experiences successfully compiling galeon that may be helpful to you
until then.


On Mon, 2002-11-04 at 11:39, Steve Salazar wrote:
> Is there any hope of getting galeon into garnome?  I realize that means
> garnome would also have to include a patched version of mozilla, but the
> extra compile time + download would be well worth it. Especially since I've
> had no luck getting galeon to compile on my own.
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