Re: Running Garnome session as a user other than Root

<quote who="Andy Summers">

> Is there something I am forgetting to do in order to use garnome's gnome
> 2.2 as a regular user on my linux installation?  Thanks!

To begin with, you should *not* install GARNOME as root. If you do, it
happily installs to its default location of ~/garnome, which in this case
would be /root/garnome.

You can do one of the following:

  a) install GARNOME as your user, into the default location of ~/garnome

  b) install GARNOME as your user, into a custom location such as
  /usr/local/garnome. You should create this directory and change the
  ownership to yourself before you start. This means that it will be in a
  sensible location for other users to use.

  c) If you've already done the doozy and installed GARNOME as root, into
  /root/garnome, you can give everyone read access to it as you would any
  other install. That's less than optimal because you generally don't want
  to make the /root directory (not necessarily files) world readable.

I would suggest installing it to your user's home directory to begin with.
You can't move the directory after you've installed it to /root, you will
have to rebuild.

- Jeff

GU4DEC: June 16th-18th in Dublin, Ireland   
    "It's not sufficient to 'use simple words to explain things'. Things
      must actually *be* simple, which is much harder." - Martin Pool

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