RE: Connection timeout errors due to restrictive wget settings

With GARNOME 0.29.1, I get lots of connection timeout errors like this:

Resolving done.
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1,631,251 [application/x-tar]
7% [=> ] 120,324 5.04K/s ETA 04:52 15:10:15 (5.04 KB/s) - Read error at byte 120324/1631251 (Connection
timed out). Retrying.

This happens again and again every ~150-200kb.

After editing and increasing wget -T 10 to wget -T 30,
everything works fine, so: is such a restrictive timeout really
necessary, or couldn't 30s or even 60s be the default?

Should I file a bug about this?

Thanks for pointing me to the wget stuff in I just recently
sent email to the list about a 20-time retry limit on downloads. (I've been off the list for months & hadn't yet scanned much of the archives). I was having the same trouble as you, so much so that retries exceeded 20 and make exited. I set -T 30 but also added -t 50 which increases the number of retries. I just have to remember to do this with each new garnome. I do agree with you that it'd be nice if the defaults were increased for mere mortals with mere modems.

Paul Miller
(location one verizon net)

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