Possible panel properties bug, nautilus, PATH, and MANPATH

I got garnome-0.30.1 running, but I have some questions:

1) When I create a launcher from a panel, or just try to change an item's properties, the dialogs for browsing commands and icons popup BEHIND the main properties dialog and can't be brought to the front - you actually have to move the main dialog out of the way. Launchers on the desktop behave as they should. Is this a known bug?
2) My nautilus no longer has a navigation toolbar (home, back, up, etc) 
& I can't seem to figure out how to give them one, there's nothing in 
the properties dialog that seems to apply.
3) When I open a terminal window, garnome/bin is not in my path because 
I set PATH in my .bashrc. I know I have to add garnome/bin but what is 
the "BEST" method? PATH=$(PATH):(my-other-paths) and it will inherit 
from the garnome session script, or is it better to just hardcode: 
PATH=/home/pdm/garnome/bin:(my-other-paths). I'm a little scared to do 
the latter for some reason...
4) I'd like to include garnome/man in my MANPATH, but am not quite sure 
how to go about it. Normally, I don't set MANPATH, so man just looks at 
/etc/man.config, I think. If I just set MANPATH to the garnome/man will 
man still consult /etc/man.config? I'll give it a try, but I'd like to 
know the "approved" method.
Paul Miller
(location one verizon net)

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