Thanks Paul,
I'm sure you are right. I've tried renaming the ~/garnome directory, and changing the appropriate name in my garnome-session file but when rebooting I get to the graphic login stage and it won't login, takes the name and password but just returns to the same screen. Anyone know why or how I might fix it. I'd like to have something bootable before compiling a new version. Again, it might be a rather unusual setup here...
Hey Jim,
> The trouble is that I've already got a ~/garnome directory from the
> last install. That may mean I did something incorrectly last time ...
> so
The easiest solution is to rename your current GARNOME directory to say,
garnome-2.6.2/ and then build the new version as normal.
That way, if you ever need to go back to your old version, it's a simple
'rename-and-restart' operation.
Jim Maas
jamaas at btinternet dot com