Re: Pango / Xrender / Red Hat 8.0

Hello Paul,

Paul Smith wrote:
I poked around the configure script for pango and the problem was
definitely the XFT stuff.  The configure script looks for the XFT
libraries and it adds those flags to the compile line before the
'standard' X flags, which I guess makes sense.

The moral of the story is (and maybe this goes in the README or can be
encoded into the Garnome distribution somehow... not sure what kind of
dependency capabilities the boostrap/ directory has), if you build
xrender (or any other X library?) you should also build xft and install
it in the garnome location, otherwise the system versions will be taken
instead of the garnome versions.
Interesting analysis, thanks for the insight. I am working on RH Worstation 3 and have a working GARNOME so if you need help in the future, I may be able to assist here.

Once I did that, things started going again for quite a while.

The next break was because there's no libexif installed on my system,
and EOG failed.  I added --without-libexif to the CONFIGURE_ARGS line,
but then Nautilus failed for the same reason.  So, instead, I downloaded
libexif and build that with --prefix=/opt/garnome and installed it.
Yes, libexif is now mandatory for Nautilus. Problem is that it cannot be installed anywhere outside of GARNOME_PREFIX : it seems the libconf cannot pick it up from anywhere else ... I have to reinstall libexif each time I build a new GARNOME, not very useful.
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