Re: gst-register question

Hi Paul,

>>each other user will get problems regarding sound (does not work etc.), unless
>>he/she runs gst-register in his/her shell.
> This is a GARNOME-semi-specific issue -- because we install all of our
> configuration files to a separate prefix (ie. not /etc) -- running
> gst-register from a system account will find no information to update.

Well, I'm installing as root (do not bomb me :) and this means I have
proper paths set in environment when running gst-register (post-install
in gst-* package). The user which logs into GNOME has the same paths...

I have not explored this thoroughly, because running gst-register is a
good workaround and placing it into the session script would be enough
for working in multi-user environment, although I don't like it ;)

>>This surely happens when migrating user to next major GNOME release (2.6 ->
>>2.8 and 2.8 -> 2.9 (2.10) in my case).
> In GARNOME though, it only happens when you build one of the
> GStreamer-related packages.

Yes, of course. But when I build Garnome, there are such packages.

I hope I will have some time these days to explore this thing.

Many thanks anyway and regards,
  Ing. Ivan Noris
  System engineer, Business Global Systems, a.s.
  info & public key:
  "Semper cautus - semper paratus - semper idem Vix."

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