Re: GConf Backing Locking

Havoc Pennington wrote:

Because gconfd writes are already atomic (you won't get half of one
daemon's file and half of another's),
   How does gconfd gurantee atomic write currently?

locking "as needed" I don't think
adds anything; you could as easily not lock at all and have an
equivalent situation. In fact GCONF_LOCAL_LOCKS=1 (the GNOME 2.4
default) is an equivalent situation. Only GNOME 2.2 still locks that IOR
file AFAIK.

   Yeah. In the HEAD, I see gconfd is now default to local lock :)
What I also see that the xml backend write is no longer locked, what has changed since the change over of default to LOCAL Locks that we don't need a lock when
writing to the backend?

What isn't addressed by this is the problem of inconsistent database
state; i.e. panel in login session A writes half its settings and panel
in login session B writes half its settings. That is the hard problem to
solve, and one clean solution is to support a gconf server used by both
login sessions, as discussed in my OLS paper from a couple of years ago.

Thanks. I understand this is the crush of the problem much better. The basic
problem boils down to having multiple gconfd which may have changed values,
One possible solution is to have a single backend daemon that merges
all the changed gconf keys over a secure connection.

The daemon would do
- this daemon is per user across multiple machines
 What communications protocol do we have to achieve this may be the big
  question here.

- receive a key change from a gconfd and update its cache
 So key values is maintained up to date.

- broadcast the changed key to all the gconfd for that user
Since it is unlikely that the user can be at two sessions changing the key at the same time, the question of key conflict is never arised, unless the account is used by someone esle :)

- save its cache to disk when the last gconfd connection closes

How does one handle off-line configuration changes? Presumbly off-line mode user has the home directory on a local disk of the laptop, one can use the include $HOME/.gconf.path
to load in the configured value to be merged in with each other.

Does these sound reasonable or am I just pushing the problem further back :) ?


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