Re: [gDesklets] Informational text files

Bjoern Koch wrote:
> Hi there,
> I just started to update the first "informational text files" in the
> root dir. These files are:
> and of course the ChangeLog.
> Please check the updated files in rev #116 (especially AUTHORS,
> MAINTAINERS and main/ for the updated information being
> correct and if you are happy with the changes.
> Furthermore I am quite not sure if all these files need to be installed
> (during make install) or if they just need to be part of the source code
> archive file ?!

Thanks for poking the files, I hope I have a chance to look at them
before it's too late.

I would say they should definitely not be installed during make
install.  If someone is compiling the source themselves, they should
see all those files before compiling; if they install via a package
manager, it's up to the distro whether they copy those or not.

Just my severely deflated $0.02 ;)


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