gdm2 release coming up

Just heads up that I plan to make a new release of gdm2 in a few days,
currently I'm thinking sometime tuesday or something like that.  (I have
lots of homework due tuesday so it's really the earliest I'll be able to do
it anyway)

	There are a few new/changed messages from the last version.  There
is one more thing that may go in before the release, but I'm not sure.
In case I do make any changes to strings I will mail gnome-i18n again,
and delay the release another few days.

	XKeepsCrashing script changed considerably.  It now takes
no arguments and does all the logic of crash recovery internally.  This
allows it to be more flexible.  XKeepsCrashingConfigurators has disappeared
and it's now 'hardcoded' in the XKeepsCrashing script so if you change
that you need to update the script rather then the .conf file


George <jirka 5z com>
   You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun
   than you can with a kind word alone.
                       -- Al Capone

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