Re: language chooser in GDM.. auto-reload gdm and language flags?

Calum Benson wrote:
On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 04:35, Joao Clemente wrote:

b) Display available language choices as flags in main display..
 - Just like the "list users" feature, but for languages...
This one combined with the above, one would click the flag, set the LANG and whatever variables and reload gdm into the desired language...

Oh no... don't say the f*** word :)

Seriously, flags are unlikely ever to be considered for inclusion in any application that falls under the GNOME, er... banner, and particularly not to represent languages, for reasons that are well-documented in various archives:

and more recently:

ooops... sorry... who said that? Not me... :-)
Anyway, even not using the ... hmmm... images... the point was having a list exposed at users eyes just like the face browser (imagine the face browser without the faces, just with names)... Instead of forcing users to select "Language" and then one of the items inside it...
Something like having the "language" menu always poped up... that was 
the point...
Thanks for the info!
Joao Clemente

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