[gdm-list] GDM2 2.15.5 (unstable), the "Caraboy" Release


(If you have no clue what gdm is, skip a few paragraphs down first)

The 2.15.5 release is an unstable release of GDM with the following
new features.

- Correction to autologin PAM service name so automatic login works.
  (Brian Cameron)

- Fix compiler warnings that were causing core dumping issues on
  some platforms (Brian Cameron)

- Translation updates (Josep Puigdemont Casamaj\303\263,
  Changwoo Ryu)

Note that this also contains an important security fix that was
originally released in 2.15.4, so please make sure to update if
using an older version than 2.15.4.

- Correction for serious security issue where the user can enter the
  GDM configuration GUI with a user password when the Face Browser
  is enabled.  Refer to bugzilla.gnome.org bug #343476 (Brian
  Cameron)  This issue impacts all versions of GDM,
  2.14.0-2.14.7, and 2.15.0-2.15.3.  This issue was reported to
  vendor-sec one week ago and has ID #CVE-2006-2452.

Note:  GDM2 was originally written by Martin K. Petersen <mkp mkp net>.
Much work has been done on GDM2 by George Lebl, and Brian Cameron
currently shares maintainership duties with the Queen of England.

Note2:  If installing from the tarball do note that make install
overwrites most of the setup files, all except gdm.conf.  It will
however save backups with the .orig extension first.

Note3:  Note3 has been depracated ...


Online Documentation - http://www.gnome.org/projects/gdm/
Latest Stable        - http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gdm/2.14/
Latest Unstable      - http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gdm/2.15/

No RPM this time around BTW.  Have fun.  A spec file is included though,
so you can try:

  rpmbuild -ta gdm-whatever.tar.gz

Have fun,


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