Re: [gdm-list] gdm session menu


i want set KDE as default window manager and disable the session selection window.
Please help me!
In the GDM configuration, you should be able to set the
daemon/DefaultSession to the session you want by default.

GDM uses .desktop files which are normally installed to
/usr/share/xsessions.  You can remove the .desktop file
associated with sessions you don't want to show up in
the dialog.  Note there are other directories that could
contain desktop files as well.  Check the GDM manual at for more
information about how GDM uses desktop files.

You can also remove the Failsafe options if you want via
the ShowGnomeFailsafeSession and
ShowXtermFailsafeSession configuration options.  You might
not want to do this, since these are useful to have available
if users are having trouble logging into their session (due
to an error in their $HOME/.profile script or whatever).

So, doing this, you can only make one choice available in
the Sessions dialog, but you can't disable the Sessions
dialog completely.


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