Re: [gdm-list] gdm > 2.20 and SunRay


At the moment I can only test with 2 sunrays and then everything is
fine. A new test with 50 sunrays - where I saw the problem - is only
possible at the weekend.

But I would feel more relaxed if every gconfd had its own
saved_state file.
Anyway, your bug report
already includes such a patch for gconfd from Ray Strode.
It changes the file name "saved_state" to something like

The problem with this patch is that these files are never deleted and
will accumulate over time. So perhaps putting .gconfd/saved_state into
the same directory as .gconf is a better idea?
I think  I will apply Ray's patch and let the gdm startup script remove
all the saved_state_* files.
Sounds good.  Please share any code you find makes it work well.


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