Re: [gdm-list] gdm-list Digest, Vol 114, Issue 2

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Today's Topics:

   1.  GDM won't start after MOBO and Graphics Card change (Hans Kraus)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2015 12:59:53 +0200
From: Hans Kraus <hans hanswkraus com>
To: gdm-list gnome org
Subject: [gdm-list] GDM won't start after MOBO and Graphics Card
Message-ID: <5624CD29 6060500 hanswkraus com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed


after a Hardware failure I had to change the motherboard and graphics
card on my Linux machine. OS is Debian Wheezy 64bit.

GDM won't start any more, the starting process seems to hang. I get the
root robbe:~# [ 241,248138] INFO: task jbd2/dm-l:1889 blocked for more
than 120 seconds.
in a shell window.

What shall I check and/or set up?

Regards, Hans


Subject: Digest Footer

gdm-list mailing list
gdm-list gnome org


End of gdm-list Digest, Vol 114, Issue 2

hi i am not the gdm author

to me this sounds immediately unrelated to gdm

apparently if you revert cards it will again start, and if that is so ... then you have a debian question which is easily asked in debian forums (linuxquestions as well). you apparently have a question of how to re-run the video card setup (to detect your card, which is an question) from the a terminal prompt. (changing configs before changing cards was possible). remember your "designing a system" when replacing hardware - having a custom system (ie, not an iPad) is not always automatic. also i hope you checked if your new card is compatible with your (if not, return it quickly)
good luck !

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