[gdome]Tabs in the code and 80 characters

I'm getting onto religious grounds here, but I'd like to make a
request about the use of tab's and the number of characters per

I use 6 Putty SSH windows logged into my Linux box, so I keep
all tty windows at 80 characters wide.

I think GDome is great, but loading the source code into anything
but Emacs gets a large amount of indenting, and some files have
inconsistent indenting.  Loading into Emacs is fine because this

/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 2; tab-width: 2 -*- */

says to use 2 characters wide tabs.

For example, in Emacs this looks fine from gdome-xml-domimpl.h

GdomeBoolean gdome_xml_di_saveDocToFileEnc (GdomeDOMImplementation *self,
                                            GdomeDocument *doc,
                                            const char *filename,
                                            const char *encoding,
                                            GdomeSavingCode mode,
                                            GdomeException *exc);

but in vi or jove, this looks like this

GdomeBoolean gdome_xml_di_saveDocToFileEnc (GdomeDOMImplementation *self,
                                            GdomeDocument *doc,

                const char *filename,

                const char *encoding,

                GdomeSavingCode mode,

                GdomeException *exc);

I have no issue with 2 character indent for the code itself, since
I use 2 characters often myself.

In addition, many lines have function declarations continue for
many characters beyond 80.  Is there a reason for this?

So, given that I'm requesting the change, I'm offering to do the
work.  What I would see doing is removing the first Emacs line from
all C files and replacing all tabs with the appropriate amount of
whitespace.  No coding changes.  Do { } movement changes, etc.

If I do this, I would prefer to have CVS commit access myself instead
of just emailing a rather large diff to somebody.

What do people think?


Blair Zajac <blair orcaware com>
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