Re: [Geary] Remember font size

In the mean time, you can adjust your font size, and a host of other settings, via the custom CSS file:
You can probably set
body { zoom: 1.5; }
to get the same effect you'd get by zooming in. (You'll have to play with that number, of course.)

On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 4:25 PM, Jim Nelson <jim yorba org> wrote:
It's ticketed in our bug tracker:

-- Jim

On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 8:27 PM, YCH <dontdieych gmail com> wrote:
Hi, I'm using geary in manjaro and openbox. I love geary, this is what we can call 'UX'.
Anyway, is that possible remember font size(zoom factor) per session?

geary 0.5.0-1


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