Yes, I have 5 email accounts registered (2 gmail, one google-app, 2 custom dovecot/postfix), but I don't think that's relevant. When I park my old folder with five accounts and create a fresh database with just one that geary prompts for on "fresh" startup, the progress dialog pops up, but disappears in a few seconds and I'm left in the same blocked state. The last line in --debug is [deb] 22:07:39 0.100482 db-versioned-database.vala:126: Upgrading database to version 22 with /usr/share/geary/sql/version-022.sqlI even left it a few hours earlier this morning with no results - it's not using any CPU whatsoever.I'm using gtk 3.14.0 (current latest in Arch)2014-10-01 21:21 GMT+02:00 Jim Nelson <jim yorba org>:Just to be clear, do you have 5 email accounts registered with Geary? And, what version of GTK+ are you using?Database upgrade 22 requires repopulating the attachment table, which can take a while with an old/large mail database. That shouldn't be a problem with a fresh account, though, so I'm not sure that's the problem.  (Also, a progress bar should be displayed while it's working).If you bring up System Monitor, do you see the Geary process spinning (i.e. approx 100% CPU)?
--Â Jim
On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 2:46 AM, Oliver <ogtifs gmail com> wrote:
Hi all,I've been running Geary since version 0.2 but have hit a snag in my latest upgrade. I'm using Arch Linux, and the behaviour is the same whether I use the repository version (0.8) or compile from git head.I get my usual popup from gnome-keyring, but after this the geary main window isn't shown. geary --debug gives this output:(geary:5036): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:2:16: Theming engine 'adwaita' not found
 [msg] 11:31:21 0.042565 geary-application.vala:174: Geary 0.8.0 prefix=/usr exec_dir=/usr/bin is_installed=true
(geary:5036): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: The property GtkWidget:margin-left is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version.
(geary:5036): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: The property GtkWidget:margin-right is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version.
(geary:5036): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: The property GtkButton:xalign is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version.
(geary:5036): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: The property GtkSettings:gtk-menu-images is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version.
(geary:5036): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: The property GtkSettings:gtk-button-images is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version.
 [deb] 11:31:21 0.059084 null-indicator.vala:13: No messaging menu support in this build
 [deb] 11:31:21 0.012990 conversation-web-view.vala:207: Loading new message viewer style from /home/og/.config/geary/user-message.css...
(geary:5036): Gtk-WARNING **: Symbolic icon go-down-symbolic of size 16 is in an icon theme directory of size 96
(geary:5036): Gtk-WARNING **: Symbolic icon starred-symbolic of size 16 is in an icon theme directory of size 96
(geary:5036): Gtk-WARNING **: Symbolic icon non-starred-symbolic of size 16 is in an icon theme directory of size 96
(geary:5036): Gtk-WARNING **: Symbolic icon mail-attachment-symbolic of size 16 is in an icon theme directory of size 96
(geary:5036): Gtk-WARNING **: Symbolic icon close-symbolic is not in an icon theme directory
 [deb] 11:31:22 0.989834 db-versioned-database.vala:77: VersionedDatabase.upgrade: current database schema for /home/og/.local/share/geary/[REDACTED]/geary.db: 22
 [deb] 11:31:22 0.333888 db-versioned-database.vala:77: VersionedDatabase.upgrade: current database schema for /home/og/.local/share/geary/[REDACTED]/geary.db: 22
 [deb] 11:31:22 0.025958 db-versioned-database.vala:77: VersionedDatabase.upgrade: current database schema for /home/og/.local/share/geary/[REDACTED]/geary.db: 22
 [deb] 11:31:22 0.112171 db-versioned-database.vala:77: VersionedDatabase.upgrade: current database schema for /home/og/.local/share/geary/[REDACTED]/geary.db: 22
 [deb] 11:31:23 0.100261 db-versioned-database.vala:77: VersionedDatabase.upgrade: current database schema for /home/og/.local/share/geary/[REDACTED]/geary.db: 22... and here it stops. The process does not terminate, but no window is shown. I don't seem to have any issues with any other modern gtk apps e.g. evince (which also complains about missing adwaita) .Putting ~/.local/share/geary aside means I see the "create new account" dialog, but after setting one up I end up back in this situation again.Any advice about how to debug this would be great!Cheers,Oliver