[Geary] Call for translations and testing: Geary 0.11.2

Hi all,

I am planning on releasing Geary 0.11.2 next weekend, so this is a call for testing and translations for the geary-0.11 branch. As a stable lts-ish point release, we want to make sure there aren't any regressions.
This new release will contain number of bug fixes, in particular fixes 
for a number of crashes. So while there are still a few feature bugs 
targeted for 0.11.2, rather than waiting for those and sitting on the 
crash fixes, I'm do a release now and get the remaining feature bug 
fixes in the next stable release.
To test the upcoming version, use Git to clone the source code 
repository ("git clone git://git.gnome.org/geary"), check out the 
stable branch ("cd geary && git checkout geary-0.11") and build per the 
INSTALL file there. You can run Geary from the source directory if you 
don't want to clobber your installed version. If you find a bug, check 
it has not already been reported then file it in Bugzilla: 
Ubuntu users can get a pre-built development snapshots from this PPA: 
<https://launchpad.net/~geary-team/+archive/ubuntu/snapshots>. Builds 
are currently finishing up and will be published shortly.
For translations, please also use the "geary-0.11" branch. There have 
not been any string changes, but there's still some languages that 
could use improved coverage ans as usual the User Guide could use some 
love. This is the translation module and branch to use: 
<https://l10n.gnome.org/module/geary/#geary-0.11>, some more info about 
translating Geary is here: 
Have any questions? Ask here or ping me (mjog) in #geary on 

⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
âš™ <http://mjog.vee.net/>

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