Hi Niels -
thanks for the quick reply!
I need a little guidance. I
entered "geary -d" in terminal, it opened Geary, but then I
couldn't find where the log would be. Terminal shows another
entry line for a command.
On 07/28/2016 11:38 AM, Niels De Graef
Hey Zak,
Could you try repeating those steps while running geary with
the -d flag, e.g. `geary -d` and posting the resulting log here?
Don't forget to remove personal info of course.
Kind regards,
On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 7:02 PM +0200,
"Loneshadow" <loneshadow sbcglobal net>
Hi everyone -
I am new to Geary mail and trying to set-up a Gmail
account. I have 2 Gmail accounts and have been
successful setting one up. The other continues to give
me validation issues on password and username. I have
verified both and even changed my password to rule out
any issues there. Both of these Gmail accounts have the
2 step validation turned off and have the setting
regarding less secure applications turned on. I can't
figure out what the problem is. Is there anything I can
do in terminal or manually in Geary to find out more
info of what is going on? Any other ideas?Â