Re: [Geary] search in single conversation: find next shortcut

Ok, so you confirm that you have my same problem.

And you are right, _some_ Ctrl shortcuts are not working (e.g. Ctrl+W works fine).
I've already reported Ctrl+D not working:

So I finally decided to open a bug:

Il giorno ven 28 ott 2016 alle 13:34, José Esteves <ajesteves gmail com> ha scritto:
Hi Ferderico,

(Ctrl + G) and (Ctrl + Mayús + G) does that based on the Help file (in this case i'm using spanish locale.).. Check you're version
However CTRL shortcuts are not working for me. I'll check if is my SO 
or a geary bug.
hope it helps,

El vie, 28 de oct 2016 a las 3:55 , Federico Bruni <fede inventati org> escribió:
Hi folks

I've just realized that there's a new search button on right pane, which searches within the selected conversation and highlights the occurrences found. However there's no shortcut AFAICS to jump to the next occurrence. I tried Ctrl+G and Enter.
I'm missing something?
Should I file a feature request?


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