Re: [Geary] error: Package `webkitgtk-3.0' not found in specified Vala API directories or GObject-Introspection GIR directories

Il giorno lun 9 gen 2017 alle 16:36, Ralph Plawetzki <ralph purejava org> ha scritto:
Am 09.01.2017 um 16:14 schrieb Federico Bruni:
 Even though I noticed that it takes much longer (10 minutes) than it
 used to do.
 For sure I'll use -jN next time.
FYI: my compile took the same time as the times before.
I've made a test on my desktop computer (more powerful than my laptop) 
and I think that you are right.
Probably my memory confused the two machines (or a full build and a 
partial build).
Today test.

build from mid december commit:

real    2m25.553s
user    2m5.492s
sys     0m14.226s

build from today last commit:

real    2m23.160s
user    2m6.236s
sys     0m14.405s

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