looks like 'yes'! -- was '[gedit-list] gedit on Windows?'

FYI, just saw this page contains 'gedit':

and this, a screenshot!

I'd say the big challenge would be to run it with the native Windows GTK, rather that through CygwinX / Xming. Also maybe working around the GNOME-ish parts that aren't available in the Windows GTK.

Kevin Kubasik wrote:
My recommendation is to be the first person to try it :).  Install
cygwin and gtk, and see what happens.

Kevin Kubasik

On 3/25/06, Paolo Borelli <pborelli katamail com> wrote:
Andreas Warberg wrote:

I'm using Windows XP sometimes and I would love to have gedit instead of
the note/wordpads!

Is it possible to install gedit on Windows (XP)?

No, there isn't a native windows version of gedit.
Porting it should be doable and we would very much welcome help in this
area, but we don't plan to do it ourselves... I don't even have a
developement machine running windows :)

Currently I think it is possible to run it under cygwin (though I have
not tried it myself).

Thanks in advance.

Best regards
John Pye
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

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