Re: [gedit-list] First pass hack of gedit and gtksourceview port to gtkprintoperation

Paolo Maggi wrote:
P.S. While I am at it, I'd like to point out the current print API does
not allow to add custom print ranges to the print dialog. In gedit, for
example, we allow users to print from "line X to line Y".

Yes, I didn't want to raise this issue in the first mail, because I thought that async pagination was a more important issue and I didn't want to mix the discussion, but since you mention it... When I asked on irc about print from line to line the reaction was along the line of "Oh well, who uses that anyway". This may or may not be true[1], but IMHO it has been taken a bit lightly: this issue is not specific to gedit, but it's pretty general to all the apps that are not WYSIWYG, where you may want to print a known range without first going through the pagination and print preview process.
Another similar example is a spreadsheet: I checked MS Excel and it 
allows to print a custom selection of sheets.

Along the same lines and even more common is the necessity to print the current selection (which technically is pretty similar to 'print from line to line' since it's just another custom range).


[1] I do use the print from line to line feature, for instance if I print out some code listing I can avoid printing boilerplate code, GPL text etc.

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