[gedit-list] gedit crash on tab creation with python


Attached you find a VERY SIMPLE python gedit plugin.
Edit the hardcoded filename in the code first!
It crashes my gedit 2.18.1 in ubuntu.
Weirdest is, sometimes it does not crash (very rarely

I want to create a plugin that needs to open files
in a similar way. I cannot go on until this is solved.

Could anyone look at it and tell me what causes the
problem? I would really appreciate it.

Also, window.create_tab_from_uri() complains if
the encoding is None. Should not it use default
encoding then?

  Gabor Fekete
  feketga2 fastmail fm

http://www.fastmail.fm - Or how I learned to stop worrying and
                          love email again

from gettext import gettext as _
import gtk
import gedit
import gobject

class Cece(object):
	def __init__(self, plugin, geditWindow):
		print "Plugin created"
		#print "iiii ok"
		self.geditWindow = geditWindow
		self.plugin = plugin
		gobject.timeout_add(2000, self.dummy)
	def deactivate(self):
		print "Plugin deactivated"

	def dummy(self):
		print "hello"
			#12, False, True)
		tab = self.geditWindow.get_active_tab()
		print tab
		doc = tab.get_document()
			gedit.encoding_get_from_charset("utf-8"), 12, False)
		return False

	def update_ui(self):
		print "Plugin updated"
class CeceMain(gedit.Plugin):
	def __init__(self):
		self.instances = {}

	def activate(self, geditWindow):
		print "activate"
		self.instances[geditWindow] = Cece(self, geditWindow)

	def deactivate(self, geditWindow):
		print "main deactivate"
		del self.instances[geditWindow]

	def update_ui(self, geditWindow):

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