Re: [gedit-list] Tag List question

Paolo Maggi wrote:
	sorry for the very late reply.

I have tried versions with "\t" tab characters and "\n" and "\r" new line and carriage return characters but they do not seem to work. My question is: How do I include multi-line output in a Tag List tag?
Have you tried with XML entities?
Ihave not tried it, but I think using 
 should work to add a new

Once again you have proven to be a genius! Thanks for the tip. I have experimented and it works fine.

 is a line feed (so Google tells me) and produces a blank line 
between tag text

 is a carriage return and produces tag text on successive lines

Sample tag:

<gedit:Tag name="Abbreviated form">
This ought to be on the first line!&#13;
This is a (hopefully) a new line!&#13;
And this ought to be the third line!&#13;</gedit:Begin>

Output from the tag:

This ought to be on the first line!
This is a (hopefully) a new line!
And this ought to be the third line!

Very useful thank you.


Peter Anderson

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There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things — Niccolo Machiavelli, /The Prince/, ch. 6

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