Re: [gedit-list] search box

At 18:05 +0200 10/25/08, =?UTF-8?Q?Nicol=C3=B2_Chieffo?= wrote:
My propose is to move the search box widgets in a new bar over the
status bar, that pops up when a user presses the search button:
If changes to the search procedure are being considered please:

Give me a hook that will allow a tool or an add-in to pre-populate the items in the pull down list.
And make the pull down list be specific to the tab that's currently 
active. An optional table of search items file associated with a tab 
would be interesting. (I know: my MacOS4 experience is showing. I 
really liked resource forks and a scriptable Mark menu.)

--> A fair tax is one that you pay but I don't <--

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