2009-November Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[gedit-list] gedit 2.29.3 released,
Jesse van den Kieboom
[gedit-list] gtksourceview 2.9.3 released,
Jesse van den Kieboom
[gedit-list] gedit developer plugins 0.3.1 (2.28.0) released,
Curtis Hovey
[gedit-list] gedit Feature request: split window horizontally or vertically,
TrustLeap Pierre
[gedit-list] perl regular expressions as tools,
Doug McNutt
[gedit-list] A few comments,
1xo bloodwing com
[gedit-list] Multiple instances with different configurations?,
Mike B.
Re: [gedit-list] Gedit External Tools and Filebrowser,
[gedit-list] Problem running gedit on a mac.,
Wenbert Del Rosario
[gedit-list] gedit LaTeX plugin on windows,
Vafa Khalighi
[gedit-list] Spell Checker in Windows,
David Starling
[gedit-list] Important!! GtkSourceCompletion and words provider problem,
[gedit-list] Syntax Highlighting,
Andreas Tepe
[gedit-list] Autocheck Spelling,
Samuel de Champlain
[gedit-list] Gedit idea.,
Tyler Starke
[gedit-list] Gedit dictionary keeps getting overwitten (set to blank) - Ubuntu 9.10,
[gedit-list] how to compose a highlighting script for GrADS script language,
[gedit-list] =?windows-1251?q?I_don=27t_understand_the_function_o?= =?windows-1251?q?f_REAL_and_VIRTUAL_document_and_view=85_in_Gedit_=22mult?= =?windows-1251?q?iviews=22_branch?=,
Klein =?iso-8859-1?q?St=E9phane?=
Re: [gedit-list] please apply line:column patch, #168769,
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
[gedit-list] Ubuntu 9.10 or gedit 2.28.0 tool test request,
Doug McNutt
[gedit-list] change the backup copy filename,
[gedit-list] Ubuntu 9.10 or gedit 2.28.0 kills external tools,
Doug McNutt
[gedit-list] Editing shortcut ctrl-D,
Martin Pihl
[gedit-list] Shell output panel and stderr highlighting,
Jef Driesen
Re: [gedit-list] Clickable URLs and email addresses,
Jean-Philippe Fleury
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