Also, if you can get a copy of the book Foundations of GTK+ Development, chapter 11 (Creating Custom Widgets) contains a relatively approachable overview:It's slightly out of date, but still mostly relevant, and it may be more readable than the GObject reference documentation.adam
On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 11:58 AM, Paolo Borelli <pborelli katamail com> wrote:
There are some tutorial and old books that go into the details of gobject construction... it can get pretty complicated, but my suggestion is to not get lost into details are rarely needed.I'd start by looking at the gobject reference documentation , and in particularAnd then check out the reference docs of thos macros.Hope that helps,  PaoloOn Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Alessandro Vincenzi <alessandro84 vincenzi gmail com> wrote:
Hi allI am currently studying the code of gedit 3.10.4 as an example of an application developed with GTK. I noticed that the code rely on the macro G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE to extend widgets and define new objects. Then, *_init and *_class_init functions are consequently defined and they registers many pointers to functions as dispose, constructed, startup, activated, etc.Could you please point me toward a good documentation/book/manual to understand how to define objects in this way, what these function do and when they are called/executed?Thank YouAlessandro
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