Re: [gedit-list] libgedit, again

Hi Sébastien,

     in principle I surely agree with the goal of making the code
reusable and factoring out code to be used in latexila and other

About the approach of creating a "gcode" library: I honestly do not
know. It is very hard to say on advance to say if it will be the right
approach or not: my general feeling is that at the end of the day each
application has to implement its own "glue" code to make things work
together, and the best thing to do is to share the best ideas and
principles even at the cost of some cut&paste code. Another downside
of splitting out a separate .so is that makes things a little more
complex for win32 port (this is surely fixable, but I thought I'd at
least mention it).

For instance at a quick glance at your branch, I am not so convinced
about sharing "gedit-debug" (which is a bit dated and could probably
be accomplished in more modern ways and which needs anyway application
specific env vars) or gedit-utils (I would like to see most of that
code go away). Anything that deals with settings also needs to be app
specific and the same goes for things that need application-specific
css (removing some borders etc).

How much is it left to share? I really do not know... if there are
things we can move down in gsv, we should at least aim for that in the
long term. If there are some more-or-less generic widgets, we could
take an approach similar to libgd/libegg.

To sum it up: do I agree with your effort? yes. Do I agree with the
gcode approach: maybe, I am afraid that we'll figure out only when
trying, but my suggestion would be to start small.

Hope it helps,


On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 2:28 PM, Sébastien Wilmet <swilmet gnome org> wrote:
On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 06:49:55AM +0200, Sébastien Wilmet wrote:
So, do you agree that another namespace is needed for the reusable code?
To get a better idea, here is a start with the gcode namespace:

What do you think? This is the kind of commits that can quickly be in
conflict with other commits, so it's better to discuss this early.

Do you have other ideas to make the gedit code reusable? For an MDI
framework I mean:

And, do you agree that an MDI framework would be useful, in the first
place? It's just another name for "making the gedit source code
reusable", but for the whole gedit code, not just the subclasses of
GtkSourceBuffer and GtkSourceView.

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