Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP UI quality opinion

W dniu 12-02-17 09:36, Aleksey Midenkov pisze:
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 9:41 PM, Bogdan Szczurek<thebodzio gmail com>  wrote:
I've seen many people used to "clicking" and convinced them to use "my way".
Haven't heard any complaint – on the contrary – people tend to tell me it's
quicker and easier for them to use keyboard shortcuts. That's my experience.
Maybe it was only a handful of people I've "experimented on" but still
enough to notice micro-tendency :}.
That is the point. I don't try to convince someone using "my way". Why
everyone and else here try to put this badge on me?! I'm just saying
'The UI is ugly' because this and that.
What is the point in stating your opinion then? In your very first post 
you've said:
I think UI is horrible.

1. No toolbars;
2. Toolbox is out of image window;

People, what are you thinking about?!
The second point is trivial, as GIMP's UI already drifts towards free 
choice of such behavior. The first and the rest of the discussion 
suggest that you specificaly want to have user customizable toolbars in 
GIMP, hence, you _are_ trying to convince devs to do so.
If  someone is happy with this
UI or with scripts it doesn't make it not ugly. If I will use 5
keyboard shortcuts (this what I do when there is more than 10 images)
then this too will not make UI not ugly! Why? Because there are some
de facto standards for such graphical applications like Gimp that are
expected from *vastly* more people than you are here.
Is there any standard in raster graphics editors UIs? Even if there was 
one, it's not GIMPs goal to adhere to it. GIMP is about finding new, 
better ways of "doing things" if that's possible.
The toolbar is
inalienable part of these standards. This is real bottleneck here that
spoils the impression of the program. Again, if you are happy with
this program that doesn't negates this truth.
I was tempted for a moment to reply to the above fragment, but decided 
not to, because I think we're getting far off the main topic and that 
is, I must admit, quite tiresome.
You want customizable toolbars, right? Stick to that in your discussion :}.

My best!

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