My name is Danny Wagner and I study computing in France. As part of my studies, I have to lead a project based on a professional career. I choose to work on the profession of software developer and in the objective to learn more about your career, I would love one of you to answer at my little questionnaire. My questionnaire :
1) What kind of schooling and professional way do you have?
2) Why do you choose this branch than an other
(e.g. the video game)
3) How happened your professional insertion? Is
your employ stable?
4) How are the work conditions?
5) What are the pros and the cons of this job?
6) What
is the pay scale of this job? Is the wage proportional to
the study level?
7) Is the job mainly based on teamwork or do you
have possibilities to work alone?
8) What kind of professional development do you
have in this domain? Best regards. PS : Sorry, if I made some English mistakes ☺ |