Re: [Gimp-developer] Next minor release?

You should know the situation for the CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) fonts.
There are more than 15,000 characters to be designed,  so that little font
set has bold and italics face.
In those countries, the bug reported above is very serious and critical.
We have to have options to use simulated bold and italic for those fonts.
-- sigetch

2013/10/4 Guillermo Espertino (Gez) <gespertino gmail com>

El 04/10/13 05:12, Jehan Pagès escribió:

 It was the reason of why italic/bold could not be simulated anymore in
2.8.6 for Windows.**show_bug.cgi?id=708110<>

In my oppinion, that's not a bug, it's an improvement.:-)
Bold and Italics variants should be designed specifically and not
If the font family doesn't provide such variants, it's better to leave it
as is and use only the available ones, for the sake of typographic quality.

This is an example to follow:**p=822<>


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