Re: [Gimp-developer] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.8.12 released (Michael Natterer)

Hm missing from that list - not really a problem as long as that doesn't mean Scots Gaelic has been missed out of the release (haven't had time to install yet)


26/08/2014 08:35, sgrìobh gimp-developer-list-request gnome org:
   Andr? Schutten, Aurimas ?ernius, Bal?zs ?r, Christian Kirbach,
   Daniel Mustieles, Dimitris Spingos, Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio,
   Jehan, Joao S. O. Bueno, Jo?o S. O. Bueno, Khaled Hosny, Konfrare
   Albert, Lasse Liehu, Marco Ciampa, Martin Srebotnjak, Massimo
   Valentini, PavelNicklasson, Piotr Dr?g, Rafael Ferreira, Rodolfo
   Ribeiro Gomes, R?dolfs Mazurs, Seong-ho Cho, SimaMoto,Ry?Ta, Sven
   Claussner, Tiagosdot, Yuri Myasoedov, akerbeltz, ???????? ???????

*Akerbeltz <>*
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