[Gimp-developer] Error compiling gimp-web

install -m 755 -d ./htdocs/cgi-common
sed -e 's|${PYTHON}|python2.7|g' -e 's|${LIBDIR}|./htdocs/cgi-common|g'
wgo.py        > ./htdocs/cgi-common/wgo.py
sed -e 's|${PYTHON}|python2.7|g' -e 's|${LIBDIR}|./htdocs/cgi-common|g'
apache_ssi.py > ./htdocs/cgi-common/apache_ssi.py
sed -e 's|${PYTHON}|python2.7|g' -e 's|${LIBDIR}|./htdocs/cgi-common|g'
xhtml.py      > ./htdocs/cgi-common/xhtml.py
sed -e 's|${PYTHON}|python2.7|g' -e 's|${LIBDIR}|./htdocs/cgi-common|g'
rdf.py        > ./htdocs/cgi-common/rdf.py
sed -e 's|${PYTHON}|python2.7|g' -e 's|${LIBDIR}|./htdocs/cgi-common|g'
x_xml.py      > ./htdocs/cgi-common/x_xml.py
sed -e 's|${PYTHON}|python2.7|g' -e 's|${LIBDIR}|./htdocs/cgi-common|g'
changelog.py  > ./htdocs/cgi-common/changelog.py
install            wgo_config.py ./htdocs/cgi-common
install -m 644 extended.css  ./htdocs/style/
install: target ‘./htdocs/style/’ is not a directory: No such file or
make[1]: *** [install-common] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/sam/git/web/gimp-web/programmatic'
make: *** [install] Error 2

Though, ‘./htdocs/style/’ exists and is a directory.  So I'm not sure why
it's showing that...

$ ls -l ./htdocs | grep style
drwxrwxr-x  2 sam sam  4096 May  2 11:05 style

I'm currently looking at the make process to figure out what is actually
going wrong but any pointers would be appreciated.


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