Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP 2.8 on OS X fixes

Hi Sven,

On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 8:22 PM, scl <scl gplus gmail com> wrote:

I’ve updated the OS X builder. The changes include:
- Bugfix 721482: bring back languages other than English and
  offer them in the Preferences’ language selection listbox,
  show a translated GIMP app menu in various languages,
- Bugfix 683177: bring back GIMP’s online user help in a web browser,
- Bugfix 721449 and other fixes to make GIMP 2.8 build on OS X again,
- add a configuration to build GIMP master,
- a UI theme with better integration into the OS X look and feel,
- an improved build how-to,
- updated dependencies and
- various fixes.

Known remaining issues are:
- Stock buttons in plug-in dialogs still read English instead
  of the users' language,
- GIMP opens the user manual still in English when GIMP was
  started the usual way by clicking the program icon. It shows
  the proper language when started from a terminal window.
If somebody has a clue on how to fix this I'd be grateful.
In other issues, do you have an idea about this:
Simone Karin Lehmann (added in Cc) was saying she already had a fix
for this crash, but she has not uploaded her patch and we are still
waiting. Since you apparently take good care of the OSX version, do
you have an idea of the fix she meant in her explanation?

Or maybe Simone, if you read this, we would really welcome the patch
you wrote about.

Thanks all! :-)


You find the update in GIMP’s osx-build branch and if we find
no deal breaker it can go into the next GIMP 2.8 release.
Thanks to all who helped me getting the job done.

Mac developers, it would be nice if someone of you could build
it on a platform other than OS X 10.9. and report back. The
updated how to is /build/osx/README and here:

Kind regards,

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