Re: [Gimp-developer] Create New Layer Button

On 03/30/2015 07:23 AM, Elle Stone wrote:
You can't even properly white balance an image in a perceptually uniform
color space like the regular sRGB color space. If you try (and everyone
does try!), you get incorrect and muddy colors, even if you aren't aware
of just how incorrect and muddy your "white balanced" colors really are.

Correct white balancing *requires* linearized RGB values.
My statements above are incorrect. You really can white balance in a 
perceptually uniform color space. My apologies, I don't know what I was 
thinking about, but I was wrong. Or at least the differences are very 
very small.
When using GIMP 2.9 there is a slight difference in results of white 
balancing in a linear gamma vs a perceptually uniform color space. For 
example, after white balancing in a linear gamma color space the shadows 
are slightly lighter than white balancing in a perceptually uniform 
version of the same color space, each time using Levels "pick white 
point", followed by moving the lower value slider to bring the RGB 
values low enough to avoid clipping. But I don't know where these 
difference comes from.

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