Re: [Gimp-developer] wtf with the download?

On Mon, 01 Jun 2015 01:40:10 +0200, Michael Schumacher wrote:

On 06/01/2015 01:14 AM, Gez wrote:
El dom, 31-05-2015 a las 17:14 +0100, C R escribió:
It does say "via BitTorrent" on the teal link.
There's a good case to be made for just listing the torrent file as a
smaller text-link after the orange download button, though. If I had my
way, we would not be listing a torrent at all for windows users, as there
are far too many things that can go wrong for that platform. However, I'm
trying to present a solution that everyone is okay with. Esp the developers
who will, in the end, be applying these patches to the site. Most of the
devs have been supportive of keeping the torrent link (at least as)
prominent as the direct download link.
I just followed the previous posts and I confirm that it looked bad
before you trimmed the text as Michael said.
Now text fits, but the problem wasn't the length of text but its font.
Thank you for taking care of this. Let me know if you need a hand.
This change is live now - it was rather easy to apply into the current
layout. Thanks, C R.

I've tested it on

and started the deployment to
I like the look of that.  I suggest that the same change be made to
the Mac native installer.
Robert Krawitz                                     <rlk alum mit edu>

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