Re: [Gimp-developer] Wilber Logo

Grrr, Wilbur -> Wilber! ;)

On 29 Jan 2017 6:48 p.m., "C R" <cajhne gmail com> wrote:

I did an "Internet search" before making it, as none available at the time
were based off the 2.8 splash screen version. This is why I made one, and
then shared it with GIMP devs and the community. It's still one of the best
ones available, and it's one I can vouch for being cc0 as I made it
personally. GIMP's own page about the Wilber graphic warns against using
other versions from outside sources as they may be (c) the artists. I made
this version to be free with no attribution required so people could modify
and use it freely. There may be other versions out there, but this is a
high quality one can be considered safe to use for the project and it's
more up to date than versions in the gimp website (with permission needed
from GIMP devs for the commercial part, of course). I suggest the GIMP
project use it on the official Wilbur page so more people have access to it
as a resource.


On 29 Jan 2017 6:21 p.m., "Kevin Cozens" <kevin ve3syb ca> wrote:

On 2017-01-28 04:14 PM, C R wrote:

It seems to be missing from the official GIMP Wilber downloads page,
but a few years ago I made Wilbur in Inkscape, and gave it to the
It's probably lost in a git archive somewhere. :)

If you do an Internet search there are plenty of instances of Wilber with
the paint brush in his mouth that are in SVG format.


Kevin.           |"Nerds make the shiny things that
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172      | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
                                | powerful!"
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