Re: [Gimp-developer] Edit History/Action History on command line/output file

Some days ago, I was trying to make a python-fu plugin and I really miss Blender feature that every action you do with the software, you can see what the python function/methd is for that, in Info panel (where the main menu is).
I just moved the default cube and deleted it. Blender info shows:

There, you can select and copy text.

It would be very nice if GIMP could do that. And with some more code, you could export this to make a log text file or, better than that, a new plugin, isn't it?
Marionetas Mey

Mario Sottile - Director
(011) 15.6283.1576
info mariomey com ar

On 19/9/19 15:41, Paul Thompson via gimp-developer-list wrote:
I am finishing a project which does exactly this with GIMP. It does not
solve the problem for the full range of commands in GIMP. But what I have
done is provide a structure for saving commands, a method to output
commands either in script-fu or in ImageMagick command language, and a
method to turn the process on and off in the Preferences dialog in GIMP

Paul A. Thompson

On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 12:22 PM Siddhant Goel <sg2nq virginia edu> wrote:

Hi GIMP Developers,

Sorry if this is spam. Thank you all for making such a great tool!

I'm using GIMP for my capstone research project at my university, and was
wondering if anyone could tell me how I could log actions/edit history into
either a file or command line. Running with --verbose doesn't give details
about what the performed action was, which is what I need.
An example of what I'm looking for: When a user tries to use paint brush on
an unselected/hidden layer.

Thanks again, and sorry for sending it out to everyone, I couldn't find a
way to get this done without your help.


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