Re: [Gimp-developer] Build does not find gegl

On 2020-08-18 3:45 a.m., Gregory Reshetniak via gimp-developer-list wrote:
Trying to build as per instructions in here.
Having set all the envvars I get gegl dependency failure both via meson and
Using 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH' from environment with value:
Using 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH' from environment with value:
Project name: gimp
I think the wiki page needs updating if you are trying to build GIMP 2.99+.
You also need to include the path $PREFIX/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig.


Kevin.               | "Nerds make the shiny things that | distract the mouth-breathers, and
                                    | that's why we're powerful"
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172          |
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