Re: [Gimp-developer] Offering help

Hello Vrok!

Our onboarding procedure could do with some improvement indeed :)

I guess the first step would be building GIMP from source code. We
typically do it n Linux with Mingw, but I know there's some work going
on to try doing this with MSYS2. At least that's my impression from
quick glances on our IRC channel.

As for actual development, we usually recommend accomplishing a simple
task that really excites you, something you want to see fixed in GIMP.
If all else fails, there's a 'Newcomers' label for issues that are
simple enough to get started contributing:

Please don't hesitate asking questions :)


On Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 1:26 PM Tan Vrok Fei via gimp-developer-list
<gimp-developer-list gnome org> wrote:

I’m Vrok, and I would like to help out with developing and introducing new features to GIMP. However, I 
don’t know where to start.

Any guidance on where to begin is welcome. Thank you.


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