Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp 2.99: script-fu, gimp-file-load and GFile

On 2020-10-14 8:07 a.m., Gottfried Müller wrote:
In the developer version the same procedure uses 2 arguments "run-mode,
file". The file has the format "GFile". The filename I get with the
SF-FILENAME parameter in the script-fu definition. The parameter "file"
in "gimp-file-load" does not accept a string parameter. How can I
convert the string of a filename in the GFile format?
I haven't seen any discussion about the change to using GFile in the mailing 
list messages. I don't know why that change was made or whether the side 
effects of making the change where fully explored. It breaks just about all 
of the third party plug-ins and scripts that need to do file I/O.
I don't know of any available API function that can take a filename and 
generate a GFile object that would be needed by Scheme, Perl, Python, or 
Ruby scripts. One will need to be made available or the API may need to be 
changed to continue allowing the use of functions that can take a filename 
as a string.

Kevin.               | "Nerds make the shiny things that | distract the mouth-breathers, and
                                    | that's why we're powerful"
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172          |
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