Re: [Gimp-docs] [Gimp-web] OFF-TOPIC (was:Proposed gimp tutorial)

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 06:21:59PM -0400, Alec Burgess wrote:
@Marco: Just out of curiosity I follow the Chrome-Blink dev list. In
it they frequently talk about "rebaselining" a patch or commit. I've
been unable to figure out what that term means just from the
contexts I've seen it in and my attempts to Google for it were not

Can you explain what "rebase" or rebaselining means?
rebase is a different kind of "merge", sometimes much useful and a
little more intelligent but it should be used "cum grano salis".

This explain it very well:

In practice with merge, your changes are melted toghether with the
changes that could be occured simultaneously in the master branch. 

If there is a conflict, merge or rebase is the same, that conflict must
be resolved manually if the algorithm could not figure out what to do by

With rebase your changes are recalculated as if applied to the current
master branch even if they were done to an older version of the master
branch. The result is a patch that appears to be applied to the current
master branch automatically.

Rebase is useful for example to keep your branch updated to the current
status of the master branch mantaining your modifications until you
decide to apply those modifications to the master branch in a single

That will appear as if you would have done the work, all in a single
chunk, to the last commit of the master branch.

Hope this clarify it a little.


Marco Ciampa

| Linux User  #78271 |
| FSFE fellow   #364 |

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