Re: [Gimp-docs] 'make pdf' fails

On Fri, Dec 04, 2015 at 10:16:39PM +0100, Julien Hardelin wrote:
**Rebuild your Makefile with "configure" or "".

It's better.

But now I have another error:
/Build gimp.pdf
built-in module xetex registered
no support found for ifthen
no support found for ifxetex
no support found for fontspec
no support found for xltxtra
no support found for fontenc
no support found for ucs
no support found for inputenc
no support found for fancybox
built-in module makeidx registered
no support found for babel
no support found for cmap
no support found for db2latex
built-in module bibtopic registered
building additional files...
checking if compiling is necessary...
the output file doesn't exist
xelatex -interaction=batchmode gimp.tex

A possible reason for transformation failure is invalid DocBook
(as reported by xmllint)

Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
What is the valid DocBook ?
docbook-4.5-5, docbook2x-, docbook-utils are installed.
Same here. "make html-fr", "make pdf-en", and "make pdf-de" worked,
"make pdf-fr" failed.

Maybe this is related to the "Compatibility with the french package"
problem mentioned in the babel user guide (try "texdoc babel")?


Die Menschen fürchten das Morgen und haben aus ihrer Furcht
einen Gott gemacht.
                -- Terry Pratchett, "Weiberregiment"

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