Re: [Gimp-gui] The GUI for the Measure (and Straighten) Tool

On Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 3:17 AM Gary Curzi wrote:
Using GIMP 2.10.8/Win7-32

The Measure tool now contains a "straighten" function, which is very useful. I use it to rotate scanned 
photos so they are perpendicular to the Image window.

But "straighten", which is a specialized type of Rotate, and "measure" are two completely different types 
of functions.  One provides information about an image, the other transforms the image.
Ironically, straightening is built into the Crop tool in Photoshop,
which is also a whole different tool. I say "ironically", because
people keep telling us we should copy Photoshop to make GIMP easier to
use :)


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