Re: [Gimp-gui] GUI


First of all, if you wish to participate to the GIMP-GUI mailing list, you should subscribe (see link in the bottom of every email: I had to dig out your email in the wait list among spams to manually accept it. Also I am answering right now to both your adress and the list, but many people answer only to the list. So you won't see their answers.
Second, we do not insult other people here. Moreover most contributions 
to GIMP are volunteer work. This is not how you greet people who 
provided in their spare time a nice Free Software (you are not forced to 
like or use it by the way, but apparently you do since you also say it's 
a great tool; but then don't call people who spent hours, days and 
months to make it happen "moron").
Finally to get to the point. I assume you are talking about the canvas 
rotation (which does not actually rotate the image, just the view). It 
is true that it is activated a bit too easily and therefore when someone 
does not expect it (and does not know how to revert it, usually '!' is 
the easiest shortcut for this) nor does one need it (as far as I know, 
this feature was especially requested by some painters; and not even all 
painters really use this feature), it can be annoying to rotate the view 
by mistake. This is not the first time I saw this issue, I believe.
Though of course, if you want the feature, you also want it to be easy 
(not through convoluted shortcuts, in which case, it makes no sense; 
need to be fast to rotate your canvas, just like when you rotate a 
Maybe there could be a switch to lock the view rotation (and by default, 
it would be ON so that people don't get into this by mistake, yet people 
who know the feature exist can look to unlock it). I don't know, just an 

On 2020-03-10 22:50, Mitchell Clough wrote:

Just wanted to let you know that Gimp is a great tool. However some of
the latest updates you have created have made it more difficult to
use, Just FYI. Ive been using gimp off and on for 5+ years. And
whoever made the smart decision to have Shift+mousewheel = rotate,
you're a moron. Not only does gimp not track that move, but it will
shift the damn image to an degree within the tenths. The most
ineffective feature ever. Sucks.

Good day.


Mitchell Clough

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