Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.7 does not detect my input devices

2011/12/14 YAFU <forums gimpusers com>
The problem occurs since the GIMP requires GTK+ version >= 2.24.7 (Around November 25).
Currently I have to date the latest versions from Git of babl, gegl and GIMP. Gtk +-2.24.8, glib-2.31.2, pango-1.29.5.
In Edit > Preferences > Input Devices > Configure Extended Input Devices only shows "Core Pointer". Do not show my mouse or my Genius tablet, which before the version I had mentioned they appeared and everything worked. In Gimp 2.6 everything works too
I tried deleting the ~/.Gimp-2.7/ folder but the new generated "device.rc" file only shows "Core Pointer".
My distribution is Kubuntu Oneiric 11.10 64bit.
xserver-common, xserver-xorg-core = 1.10.4

You must configure gtk+ with the option --with-xinputs=yes

Olivier Lecarme

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