Re: [Gimp-user] Scan

* Tom Cranston <thomas w cranston gmail com> [12-20-11 02:41]:
On earlier versions of Gimp, up to Ver 2.6.8 you can use
SCSI scanner. No fooling around getting drivers, etc.

I have been running Gimp on different versions of Linux.
That might be why I did not have too fool around hunting
down and installing drivers.

On 2.6.8, (Ubuntu 10.04)I can scan:

File - Create - XSane - Device dialog

On earlier Gimp versions it was:

File - Acquire - XSane - Device dialog

It might be a matter of semantics as to whether or not Gimp
does the scanning, but I have always been able to start a
scan w/SCSI from Gimps File Menu.
Not a matter of semantics but fact.  Gimp *can* interface with other
programs to provide an interface for other functions, scanning.

But you have provided your *own* hint to the solution.  Doesn't "XSane" in
your examples give you a clue?  Install xsane in your present distro and
use the distro's setup application to setup your scanner.

Your lack of scanning ability probably stems from using a "LiveCD" which
is space crippled/doesn't include xsane.

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA      HOG # US1244711        Photo Album:                           openSUSE Community Member
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