Re: [Gimp-user] How can I create huge billboard sized files in super high dpi?

Well, I got it to work, at least theoretically.
I think it's in the same way that you would create a large image in
Photoshop, but to test it I opened an image that I already had that was
72 d[i and about 35 inches wide, an old pic of my cat.

With Image>Scale Image I bumped up the resolution, then with
Image>Canvas Size I bumped up the size, in this case to 58X72 inches.
The thing is to play with the "chain link" icons in these boxes, if you try
to change the resolution then all it will do is inverse the size if you don't
unlink them. (Of course, I'd like to hear from any of the experts on this list.
I'm just a graphics hack.

By the way, have you ever made an image this large before? Even at 58X72
at 1400 dpi with color that's going to be a monstrous file. My machine went for
minutes and hadn't finished resizing it so I exited. Of course on this
Mac I only have
one gig of ram at present, but I don't know if any computer could
handle an 80 yard
file, Photoshop or Gimp. You'd better have a lot of cpu, ram, and
extra hd space,
swap file space.

Do you have any links or examples of fabric you've created? I've always been
interested in that.

Waiting for real the advice...

On 4/24/12, Tara Gover <tarajenay mail com> wrote:
Hi guys,

 I am printing super high res images onto fabric. My print guy has
instructed me to create my images in 1440 dpi and my fabric is 58 inches
wide and about 80 yards long. I need to create ONE image so they can just
print it continuously along the whoe piece of fabric. So I need to create a
REALLY BIG image. They have recommended Adobe Creative Suite, but of course
I want to do it with GIMP.

 Just today, I installed the latest GIMP, and it doesn't seem to be letting
me create even a 58x72 inch image in 1440 dpi. Is there an add on or a way
that I can create huge tiff files in GIMP?.....or do I have to shell out the
cash and get Creative Suite?



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